
✷ Tavern and Levemete ✷

Slice of Life - Adventure

Balmung: Empyreum, Ward 4 Subdivision, Apartment 33

◈ VOLUME WARNING: Turn down the volume or risk LOUD NOISES. ◈


Named for the thick fog which rolls in with altogether too much frequency, the lowest levels of the city are home to the poorest citizens of Ishgard. Times have changed, however, and these changes slowly work to improve the quality of life for those once forgotten by Ishgardian society.While many would look at Ishgard and see nothing more than plain, dry meals that care only for nutritional value alone, such a description would better fit the scholarly city-state of Sharlayan. Ishgard is home to numerous culinary recipes that can make the mouth water just by description alone, and it is with some hope that these meals can be shared to both high and lowborn alike.The Battered Buckler is situated an oft-neglected alleyway in The Brume, tucked away where many may have easily overlooked it while going about their business. It may not look like much on the outside, but stepping inside the tavern reveals a rather comfortable spot to get warm, have an ale or three, and feast upon a fine selection of Ishgardian meals.In an effort to bring not only food and wine to the masses, the tavern acts a levemete aligned with the Temple Knights. From here, the would-be adventurer and wayward warrior can render aid to Ishgard and the surrounding areas, be it through martial prowess, deductive reason, or careful crafting.Run by the ever-errant Julinaux Castelleaux and his motley crew of employees, The Battered Buckler aims to provide good food and warm shelter to those in need and those simply looking for a nice meal. If you're ever in The Brume, stop on by and given the tavern a chance!( Feel free to use this venue outside of open hours and assume NPC service. )


Leves are self-DMed events that pair two or more random characters together to go out into the world to solve a problem that someone is facing. This can range from escort duty in Gyr Abania to helping deal with a wicked sickness that seeks to spread throughout Othard. There are leves for all skillsets, so be sure to seek out the right ones for your characters!For a list of all active leves, please join the Buckler's Discord server and check the leveboard channel. From there, you'll have full access to all jobs currently available to players as well as have the opportunity to post and host leves of your own!